At KaysGolden, we believe in the uniqueness of every child and pride ourselves in our own distinct identity. All that matter to us is excellence! We maintain a serene, colourful, attractive and stimulating environment which makes learning conducive. We have wide range of teaching aids and resource materials for both pupils and teachers. No subject is taught in isolation, the work is interactive.
To prepare and adequately equip your children to pursue their dreams, ambitions and aspirations to capably contribute to their community and to the nation and to rank among the few best producers of private education in Africa.
Our Mission
To offer modest and quality school education that prepares a child of today into a responsible self reliance and fulfilling adult of tomorrow, competent enough to meet future challenges with ease through the grace and mercy of God.
Our Core Values
To show respect for God and His word. Those in authority, the learning process, our bodies and God given talents, our school personal property and property of others, National values, love, respect, care and admire our parents.